Fakenham is readying for ten days packed with varied fitness and family fun activities, including the inauguration of a new River Walk map.

Get Active in Fakenham Week 2024 has been extended to ten days of low cost or free activities that aim to be engaging and entertaining.

It starts on August 17.

The range of activities is diverse, encompassing fitness pilates in a brand-new courtyard garden, complimentary gym membership, yoga, singing, Lego, a riverside walk, rugby, bookmark-making, archery, riverside conservation talks, and more.

Free bike checks, a fun Ride North Norfolk event on the final Sunday and a new map for riverside walks will also be part of the line-up.

Get Active in Fakenham Week 2024 has been extended to ten days of free or low cost fun activities Get Active in Fakenham Week 2024 has been extended to ten days of free or low cost fun activities (Image: Submitted)

The town will come alive with these activities from August 17 to 26.

With more than forty activities to choose from, all designed to be cost-effective and interesting, there's something for everyone.

The activities also serve as samples of what the town has to offer throughout the year.

The finale of the active week will be an open day at the Gallow Sports Centre.

Richard Crook, Active Fakenham’s coordinator and organiser said: “We are pleased and excited about the ten days that are planned.

"We think there is something for everyone.

"We are particularly excited about the new river walk map we have produced following a beautiful stretch of the River Wensum.

The team has printed 6,000 maps for distribution across North Norfolk and also made them accessible via Active Fakenham's website.

There are many activities to choose from There are many activities to choose from (Image: Submitted)

A guided walk, led by the Fakenham Ramblers, is planned for August 18.

Given the range of events, places are limited for some activities, necessitating early booking.

More information is available on the Active Fakenham website and social media.